Spiritual Bypassing- what it is and how to stop doing it

Newly awakened masses flock to all things love and light, they grasp tightly to “good vibes only”. They’ve recently come to the realization that their thoughts create their reality but have yet to learn about spiritual bypassing and the trouble that may follow. They spend their days repeating positive mantras and letting stressfull and traumitizing events bounce off of them while they work on raising their vibration and continue on with the mantras. It’s fine to work on maintaining a high vibration and to hold on to positive thoughts and emotions, but using spirituality to bypass the processing of negative emotions can be dangerous business. Not processing negative emotions by shoving them down, out of sight- out of mind, does not work. These emotions are not gone, they are stuck in the subconscious part of the brain and carry a negative charge. This negative charge is now part of them and vibrating a signal (frequency) to attract more of the same. Like attracts like, therefore these unproccessed emotions are magnets for similar events to occur. This will continue on until the negative charges are proccessed and released. Not only will one suffer from repeating cycles of trauma and misfortune but these stuck emotions will manifest themselves as illness and pain in the body. This is the reason we can no longer continue to tell ourselves that “eveything is fine”, “all is well” and so on, at the moment of the initial tramatic event.

I’ve been guilty of this so called spiritual bypassing since my awakening in 2017. I’ve suffered through tramitizing events and told myself its okay. I’ve recited more positive mantras than I can count and everything was fine, until it wasn’t. I’ve recently realized that directly after the initial awakening we have magical syncronisities, we feel “high vibe” and in alignment and it feels as if everything magically lines up for us. This isn’t long lasting, however, it is most always followed by a period of darkness. This darkness is referred to as the dark night of the soul ( in the spiritual community). This is a period of time were we are shown all of the darkness that we carry in the depths of our soul and are unconscious of. This is were we put in the real work. It is here we dig up the gunk, look at it, proccess it and release it for good. If we turn a blind eye to these aspects of self, we will continue to live out the same cycles and repeating patterns. It can be frustrating if you are not aware that this is whats happening to you. You’ll ask yourself “Why does this keep happening to me? I’ve been positive and I’ve been thinking good thoughts. I dont understand why these bad things keep happening”. Now, you know why. Now, you can stop the cycle. All you have to do is face this darkness inside of you, call it by it’s name, feel it while it passes through. After we do this we can go on with the positive mantras and so on. Below are a few techniques to help you along this process to true freedom.

EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. This is where a trained psycotherapist takes you through negative emotional experiences, while rapid eye movement is induced by ways of headphones or alternatively vibrating censors held in each hand ( REM or rapid eye movement is responsable for the proccessing of emotions). The therapist allows you to relive painful events to the point of actually feeling the emotions that occured during the initial trauma. After the patient has suffiently relived the event, the therapist will then add a positive spin on that emotion. The client has now removed the negative charge from their body and the signal has now been disrupted and exchanged with a positive signal broadcasting through their energitic field. The patient will no longer unconsciously call in that same type of situation. The cyle has been ended.

Another way to alchemize negatively charged emotions that have been trapped in the body and that are currently stuck on autopilot is a Hawaiian meditation technique called Ho’opomonopono. This is a simple technique that can be done at home with no outside assistance. Simply relax and steady your breathing while recalling a certain event, or more specifically a certain person who has wronged you in the past. Hold the vision of this person in your mind’s eye. Rememember how this person made you feel while you recite the following four statements;

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you!

I love you.

After the first two statements start to feel graditude and the feeling of love. Repeat these four statements for as long as you can while focusing on the person you’ve chosen. YouTube has hundreds of videos you can pull up to assist you in this proccess. Take the time to comb through your life and do this for each person who has hurt you in the past. Finally, do this for yourself. Recall all of the times you have let yourself or others down. Use this time to forgive yourself and to finally find true love for you. This is self love at its finest. This proccess has been shown to produce significant results, as it reprograms the subconscious part of the brain to no longer carry around those negativly charged emotions that have been responsible for reeking havok on your daily life, without your awareness. You will no longer be a walking magnet, attracting the same situations, over and over.

These are just a few examples of how to take charge of your life. These techniques are also known as “shadow work” and can be further researched on the internet. Hundreds of videos and articles can be found on this subject. It’s worth the time and effort to improve the quality of your subconscious thoughts. It has been said that these are the thoughts that create up to 95% of your reality, not the conscious thoughts you are aware of. We find oursleves in a time on the planet where the energy is shifting. The darkness that has been buried is finding it’s way to the surface. This can be seen globally as past heinous events are being exposed out of the wood work and the offenders are being brought to justice. You can no longer hold on to the garbage you’ve been carrying around for most of your life. The question is “How are you going to deal with it?” Will you continue to distarct yourself with alcohol, overeating, social media, etc… or will you face these demons and erraticate them. Once and for all.

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